Objectives kanban board

defining and tracking task progress Add Tasks The Kanban board of an objective allows you to break down the activities of an agreed objective into the tasks required to achieve each of the activities Access the Kanban board of an agreed objective via the Kanban icon...

People Register

The People Register allows you to view all the people in the organisation. It provides individuals with an understanding of the organisational structure and hierarchy, reporting relationships and helps people to understand where each individual fits into the...

CEO Objectives

Board visibility of CEO objectives The CEO’s objectives can be viewed by the board This includes Pulse scores and comments, and actual performance data Comments made on each objective can be viewed on the ‘Comments’ tab of the objective Comments can be made by the...

Board Performance

Reviewing Board performance Board Performance provides a summary of the Board’s performance for a specific period of time. It provides aggregated data of the Board member’s retrospective responses  It is visible to all Board members Select the period to view A summary...

Creating Board Members and Roles

Creating the Board user Board members need to understand the role they play on the board and their responsibilities Board membership is attributed to a user when they are set up by the Kendo Administrator by selecting ‘Board’ as the ‘Access level’ when the user is...

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