Board Retrospectives

Monitoring the effectiveness of the board

  • High performing boards monitor and assess their progress, identify performance gaps and devise strategies for improving performance. This enables better team work, better decision making, and improves the effectiveness of meetings.
  • Board retrospectives allow the board to reflect on its effectiveness and provide the Chair with critical feedback on what’s working and what’s not
  • The effectiveness of these key areas that determine board effectiveness are assessed in the board retrospective:
    • Composition and Structure
    • Dynamics and processes
    • Monitoring, reporting and risk management
    • Strategy and business
    • Sub committee contribution
    • Overall performance

complete the retrospective

  • To complete a Board Retrospective, select which period the retrospective relates to
  • You’ll be given a series of questions to rate in relation to the 6 key areas of board effectiveness
  • Your Retrospective can be saved (to be edited later) or submitted to the Chair immediately.
  • Once complete, submit the retrospective. The Chair will have access to all board member’s retrospectives Boards should use the retrospective as a structure for a meaningful conversation about it’s performance, using the topic areas as the structure for the conversation

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