- Technical skills are discipline specific knowledge or training required for the role
- Individuals are able to add Technical skills to their role to define the skills needed for success. They can then assess their level of competence against these skills, to enable them to prioritise their areas for growth
- Managers can report on the technical capabilities in their teams and the organisation to determine team or organisational skill and development needs
- Skills are grouped under Disciplines of other like skills
- Kendo provides a list of default Disciplines and associated technical skills, however Kendo Administrators are able to tailor this technical skills framework to suits its own industry or organisational role requirements
- The Board discipline and skills will be visible only to Board Members and will therefore only be able to be added to Board Members’ roles
- Technical skills can be added one by one or uploaded in bulk
Add Technical skills – Bulk Import
- To bulk upload disciplines and skills select Import Skills
- Download a spread sheet to add Disciplines and Skills
- Each Discipline must have one or more skills
- Each skill must be assigned to a discipline
- Save the file to your desktop
- Browse to select the file to upload
- Confirm number of skills to be uploaded
- Disciplines will show in the list of available disciplines with relevant skills associated to those disciplines
Add Technical skills – one by one
- To add technical skills one by one, first add the Discipline
- Then add the individual skill to the Discipline
- Once saved these disciplines can then be added by a user to their role
- Deleting a Disciplines will delete all its associated skills (disciplines can only be deleted if they have not yet been added to a user’s role or goal)