Creating the Board user Board members need to understand the role they play on the board and their responsibilities Board membership is attributed to a user when they are set up by the Kendo Administrator by selecting ‘Board’ as the ‘Access level’ when the user is...
Setting up Fields
Profile Fields Under ‘Fields’, administrators can set up Profile field optionsDefault options are already included for each of the profile fields, however, these can be tailored to your organisationField drop down options or selections can be added, edited, or deleted...
Setting up Disciplines and Technical Skills
Technical skills are discipline specific knowledge or training required for the role Individuals are able to add Technical skills to their role to define the skills needed for success. They can then assess their level of competence against these skills, to enable them...
User Activity Stats
With Activity Stats, view usage information across the organisation to determine which areas of the platform are being used and to what extent. Follow up with teams or individuals where you know they need to action certain things.View the following activity by person...
Talent Profile Reporting
Talent Profile reports provide an aggregated view of what drives and motivates individuals, their skills, their strengths and where there are opportunities to close gaps or make the most of untapped potentialReporting on Talent Profile activities is available as soon...
Add Company Announcements
Broadcast important company wide announcements to all your employees This could include anything upcoming or things you’d like your employees to focus on for example, reminding employees to set their objectives, prompting career conversations or reminding employees to...
Setting up Financial Years
Financial years determine the cycle of activities within Kendo and will impact reporting Set up the financial year in Kendo to mirror your organisation's financial planning and reporting cycle To add a new financial year, select “Add Financial Year”. Add the start...
Setting up Strategic Pillars
Strategic pillars are a way of categorising the different components of the business plan as they align to the business strategyThey allow business plan owners and objective owners to align their objectives into the different areas of the business plan so that its...
Add Organisational Purpose and Values
Organisations can define their purpose and communicate it throughout the organisation so that individuals have a shared understanding of why the organisation exists Select “Add” to enter the Purpose or Values Enter the organisation’s Purpose statement The...
Setup Dates
Objective Pulse Notifications Notifications can be turned on or off for Objectives Pulse checks When notifications are turned on, users (both employee and manager) receive regular reminders to submit pulse checks. The dates that determine the timing of these...
Kendo Administrator Functions
Kendo Administrators have an important role in ensuring that users can get the most out of the system and that it is used to its full potential There are a number of functions Administrators can perform in setting up the system: Inviting and managing users Setting up...
Managing Users
As new employees join and others exit the business, it’s important to keep your user accounts up to date. That way you know everyone who needs access to Kendo has access. It also ensures your reporting is accurate and not based on data from employees that have left...